Mr. Abhijit Choudhury
Industry Representative
Mr. Abhijit Choudhury has a background of 41 years in the banking sector. This period covered careers with ANZ Grindlays Bank in India, Arab Banking Corporation in Bahrain, National Bank of Abu Dhabi/First Abu Dhabi Bank in the UAE, and finally with the Central Bank of the UAE. During this period he has held various management and board level positions. Specifically, some of his responsibilities were as Group Chief Risk Officer and interim CEO at National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), Group Chief Risk Officer at First Abu Dhabi Bank, and Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of the UAE. Mr. Choudhury has also held Board positions at NBAD subsidiaries. Currently, in addition to serving on the board of Bank ABC Islamic, he is also an independent external member on the Board Risk Committee of the Central Bank of the UAE.
Mr.Choudhary joins the TMS LAB as an industry representative.